Product application introduction
Metallix Solutions Limited offers a complete range of Metallic pigments for crafts industries. Aurum bronze powder, which particle size is from 9 to 47 mircorns, pale and rich color, exhibits good metallic brilliance, excellent coverage powder or sparkle metallic pigment though spray coatings, dipping or brush coatings. Widely used for Christmas decoration, ceramics, candle and frames.
Metallix Solutions Limited offer a range of bronze /aluminium powder for textile industry which exhibit excellent color stability. And with the right selection for application, a real gold or silver effect could be achieved.
Coarse pigments produce brighter metallic effects, however, fine pigments (~9 microns), with lower gloss, gives the best printing properties and minimal screen blocking.
Our AURAM 1124/2124 are specially designed for textile screen printing. These products have narrow particle distribution, which effectively prevent screen blocking.
Prints with metallic pigments have a less bending resistance against normal pigment prints, as the large metallic pigment flakes can only stay on surface rather than penetrate into the substrate. To achieve best printing results, prints of metallic pigments should be dried completely before carrying out any other processes. |